
Monday, August 23, 2004

I don't like to be licked

Happy Birthday Aunt. Mom says it isn't going to be very happy since you have a houseful of kids and it is raining out so they'll have to stay inside. Hope you survive. Oh and say Hi to Milo. OK Piddlepup too, but tell her not to try and lick me.

Mom said she ran my name in a generator thingy and it said I was infected by this:

Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
Mrs. Kitty's Syndrome
Cause:running too fast
Symptoms:French accent, swearing, extreme absenteeism, extreme warts
Enter your name, for your own diagnosis:

Does that mean I can't eat anymore ladybugs? Or maybe it means I could do a duet with French announcer guy, whaddya think?


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